Saturday, November 19, 2011


    Some know the reason, some don't. As Mr. Donovan's class adopts their tree, Cliff, there has been some debate about wether their class is making a blog about their tree, Cliff. Some people say that they DO have a class blog, but no blog about Cliff, news about Cliff on their website, yes, but no blog about their tree, Cliff. OTHERS say they do have a blog about Cliff on the web, but no person knows the right answer. If, on the other hand, if Mr. Donovan's class did make a blog about Cliff, then they would be copying our blog, We are still figuring it out, but hopefully, the rumors about the " Cliff blog" are a fake. 


  1. I'm afraid a friend of mine confirmed a "Cliff blog".

    This blog is and will always be 10x better. Keep up the great work!

  2. wow! such copycats! even if they do make a blog, (cross your fingers they won't) we would have the tree blog idea first. and just like thomas said, this blog will always be 10x better! by the way if they do make a blog, post the name on the blog. GO NORMAN!!!!!!
